A Teenage Dream American Cherry on Showtime
American Cherry, is a poignant coming-of-age story that explores the themes of love, longing, and self-discovery.
Set in small town America, the film revolves around the romance between a mysterious, troubled boy (Hart Denton) and an impressionable girl (Sarah May Sommers). As their relationship progresses, the boy's love turns into an obsession as he tries to protect her from her dysfunctional family.
This is a debut film by writer and director Marcella Cytrynowicz, with stunning cinematography by Gus Bendinelli adds to the film's overall atmosphere and mood. Using vintage and prime lenses on a Panavision Millennilim, Bendinelli captures the film's haunting beauty on Kodak Vison 500T Color Negative Film.
American Cherry is not just a love story, but also an exploration of grief and the consequences of leaving mental illness untreated.
Watch the now on Showtime.